DIFMAQ ROURE's technical and engineering team makes it possible for the most efficient tequila plants to label their containers with precision and speed.
At DIFMAQ ROURE, manufacturers of rotary labelling machines, we help cava customers to achieve the right presentation of a gourmet product.
Photo. Albert Ferrari, General Manager of DIFMAQ ROURE and Nuria Fernández, Product Manager of Packaging and Roasting Machines, attended the 25th Anniversary on behalf of the entire ROURE Team.
ROURE roasters are comitted to sustainable development This March the magazine FÓRUM DEL CAFÉ has...
The ROURE roaster of the ARKUPE chocolate factory, the only bakery in Spain that processes cocoa "from bean to bar".
DIFMAQ has developed the DQVISIO rigid container orientation system This detection system provides electronic adjustment...